The value of recuperation.
This week I'm on holiday. It's been an odd holiday because I've done almost nothing. I've not gone away, not had a project at home, I've just read, rested and slept. Oh, and gambled. but more on that anon.
I suppose you could say this is a rather stupid waste of the precious few days granted me by the gods of leave. It is really, but I've backed up so much leave I don't know what to do with, going away on your own is fun but ultimately there's no-one to share it with, and It's been a long year and I was run down.
I didn't know until this week how run down I was. Four days of mostly resting and suddenly I have ideas again, I'm making plans again and I can see things I need to get done. This is one.
I'm planning to use this to review books, talk about things that happen, muse upon gambling, relationships, situations and stories that don't involve British politics. I think that self denying ordinance will be good for me, and for my writing. I'm obsessive about politics, know a lot about it, and to be pushed in this way to expand my horizon will be good for me.