This is not a test.
So Here we go again. I used to be a blogger. One of the first, but I had to give it up. I was blogging about my job, and well, it just got a bit too successful. I'm politically active, and when people started asking me if I was me, and I had to come up with a story about why it wasn't. Well, I like my political career, am good at it and wanted to keep it. So it all had to stop.
Of course, I sometimes wonder if I made a safe choice there. There was the time the comment editor of the Times asked me to write a piece for them and I ignored it. After all, I couldn't be an actor and a commentator. Actually, scratch that, I couldn't get too known and not get caught. So in the end I made my choice, and it was the right one. I've seen others, good writers, smart people build a reputation for themselves and been pleased for them, but I don't really want that for myself.
What I have missed since then is the chance to be creative. the chance to talk into the void. I suppose there aren't many places that a reasonable person can just sketch, just wonder, just debate with themselves. So I'm back, with just one big rule, no politics.
Maybe that'll reveal me to be staggeringly dull outside politcs. I don't mind that, and if you do, let me know what's wrong and what you didn't like so I can improve as a writer, then move on with my thanks and good wishes.
So here goes. Thanks for dropping by.