Partial Success
Monday, April 17, 2006
  Easter Weekend and Serendipity alert...
So it probably wasn't the greatest idea to start a blog immediately before an Easter weekend in which you had absolutely no intention of updating. Ah well.

Still, this Easter weekend, thanks mainly to the energy of the Moll, was one of the more productive I've had, we fitted in three restaurants, two art exhibitions, one michelin star, two walks and a 7k run. the Moll also got me foru new shirts, so I'm slightly more fashionalbe than I was before easter. However, this is like saying luto is slightly closer to the sun at some points during it's elliptical orbit.

Anyway, for those of the newly massive readership interested in co-incidence and serendipity, the Times today has an article explaining how the Abbey Mills Sewerage works built by Bazelgette, discussed below are still discharging sewage into the Thames, and how dealing with this will cost in the order of £2billion and may disrupt London's Olympic bid.

"Built in the 1860s by the engineer Joseph Bazalgette, Abbey Mills Pumping Station, at Stratford East, produces half the city’s total sewage overflow. It can discharge a million and a half cubic metres of waste into the Thames in a day.

"At low tide the creek in front of it looks like a vast mudflat: a glistening brown sludge full of compacted human detritus. A sign on the railings overlooking it reads “Olympic Walk”. The only visitors are tramps, under-age smokers and consultants involved with Olympic projects."

To be honest, I smell (ahem) an attempt by the Environment agency to put pressure on the Government review by using the "Olympics need it" case. After all what's being discussed is:
"The preferred option — a 22-mile (35 km) — tunnel to intercept discharges from numerous overflows throughout London — would cost up to £2 billion and take 15 years to build."
This scale of engineering works is staggering. It underlines the achievment of the early city engineers.
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